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Partner Feature: Bella & Nick Werzberger

A few weeks ago, Bella and Nick Werzberger -- newly crowned Partners-- looked into the future.   

“My biggest goals are to achieve the level of Partner, and to help my leaders and team reach this level and beyond,” Bella told us. “A year ago, I never thought we'd be close to becoming Partners, but now, with this bigger vision, my goal is to help my team achieve their dreams and say, with a big smile, ‘Mission accomplished.’”  

Mission accomplished. Just a three days into June, Bella and Nick exceeded even her own initial expectations and became the newest Think+ Energy Associate to reach the rank of Partner.

A true community builder, Bella and Nick are driven by the potential of Think+ to transform people’s lives. “Seeing ordinary people start to become extraordinary money earners... is a total motivator for us,” Bella said. “There is no price that can be placed on that.”   

Bella and Nick’s journey is a wonderful encapsulation of what the Think+ opportunity is all about. In building a supportive and collaborative environment -- coupled with a passion for assisting people in achieving financial freedom -- they have found success, fulfillment, and a spot among the great leaders in our industry.  

 Congratulations, Bella and Nick. 

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