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Leadership Q&A with Your Pure Energy

Leadership Q&As are a series in which selected members of the Think+ community take a few moments to reflect on their experiences, offer advice to their fellow Energy Advisors, and look toward the future of Think+.

These insights from Rich Schloss, who recently ranked to Senior Director as part of Your Pure Energy with Tim Ulinger, were provided during a conversation in July 2024.

What initially drew you to Think+?
YPE: There are a few factors that really made me want to be part of Think Energy. The product, the fact that we can genuinely save customers money, and the opportunity to help save the environment were big draws. Additionally, the founders' focus on sustainability and the company's mission to make a difference on our planet really resonated with me. 

How has being an Energy Advisor impacted your life?
YPE: Being an Energy Advisor for Think+ has impacted my life in several ways. Of course, the financial benefits are nice, but more importantly, it's made me more aware of how we can all make a difference. I’ve come to understand the importance of doing our part, and it's fulfilling to know that we can help others make a positive impact while also saving money. 

How has your definition of success evolved since you started with Think+?
YPE: My definition of success has definitely evolved. I’ve realized that this isn't a get-rich-quick business, but with steady persistence, you can achieve great success—not only financially but also in making a positive impact on our planet. 

What are some of the biggest motivators that keep you pushing forward?
YPE: The biggest motivator for me is knowing that once you promote to the Partner position, you’re greatly rewarded with all the customers that ever come into Think Energy. That’s something that keeps me awake at night! 

What are some non-monetary rewards that drive you?
YPE: Just knowing that I'm making a positive impact on the earth is enough. Everyone should do their part, and often, making an impact can come at a cost. But with Think+, you can actually save money while doing your part. 

What personal goals do you set for yourself, and how do they contribute to your overall sense of achievement?
YPE: My personal goal is to promote to the top position of Senior Partner, which means helping many others to promote and be successful as well. 

What's one piece of advice you'd give to someone considering becoming an Energy Advisor?
YPE: I would tell a new advisor to plug in and focus on each promotion. Promoting is key to unlocking the compensation plan. The best way to do this is by understanding how to promote and by helping others promote. When you help others, success will naturally follow. 

How do you empower and support your downline to succeed as Energy Advisors?
YPE: I support my downline—or business partners, if you will—by encouraging them to join the calls, teaching others to get on the calls, and persistently working towards their next promotion. 

What kind of community do you foster within your downline?
YPE: I aim to keep the team in a positive mindset. That’s the type of community I want to foster. 

Share a fun fact or a unique story about your experience as an Energy Advisor.
YPE: A fun and unique experience for me was being part of the leadership trips. Winning the Hawaii Golf Tournament as part of the team was absolutely awesome!  

What excites you most about the future of sustainable energy?
YPE: What excites me most is that sustainable energy is actually happening and will continue to grow. The fact that Think+ is playing a major role in this movement is just awesome! 

What are your biggest goals for your business moving forward?
YPE: My biggest goals moving forward are to continue improving as a leader, to build more leaders, and to help as many people as I can to be successful. 

When you think back about your expectations when you just started, what about Think+ has surprised you the most?
YPE: I’m not sure if I’m surprised, but I am certainly grateful to see how willing Think Energy and its staff are to always try to make things better for us in the field. They actually listen to what we have to say and do everything they can to help us succeed. 

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